We have proven that life insurance, if properly acquired and managed, is the greatest type of property ever invented for the creation and transfer of wealth, when there is an immediate need for liquidity at the time of someone’s death.
Because of this belief, and our passion and pursuit of excellence, we developed an entirely new discipline called…
Life Insurance Property Management (LIPM™).
If you own or are responsible for life insurance and you are not using some form of life insurance property management, the chances are 95% or better that your life insurance property is not performing at its best. In other words, your investment is not being optimized.
Our unique and proprietary method for applying LIPM™ principles to help you optimize the return on invested capital at the termination of a life insurance policy is called…
The ObjectiView System
The ObjectiView System (click to view a process diagram) offers proprietary, fee-based, fiduciary level, advisory services (independent of life insurance company illustrations).
We have yet to discover a life insurance policy that cannot be made to perform more effectively. Our system works because it combines and professionally manages two proprietary, actuarial technologies within the ever-changing financial and emotional constraints of the policy owner.
These technologies are:
- The Personalized Life Expectancy of the insured, and;
- The optimization of the Unique Property Rights within each policy.
Cost versus Results
Even though the ObjectiView System is fee-based, our ability to consistently improve the performance of life insurance property means the fee paid for our services is repaid many times over, in many different ways. In other words, the results far outweigh the cost. (View our Case Stories for examples of this multiplier effect.)
How do you know The ObjectiView System is right for you?
ObjectiView works for you when:
- You own or are responsible for large life insurance policies or portfolios
- They are substantial investments for you or your clients
- You wish to optimize them as investments
If you own or are responsible for large policy or portfolio of policies, you made need ObjectiView when:
- Someone suggests replacing what is already owned
- Someone says it’s not working and you must pay more
- The insured’s health changes: for better or worse
- You are thinking about selling a policy
- You are thinking about borrowing against the policy
If you are in the process of buying or helping someone buy a large policy or portfolio of policies, you made need ObjectiView when:
- You are buying from an agent who only represents one insurance company
- You think the prices in the proposals are too high
- The plan is to place it all with one insurance company or in a single type of insurance
- You have been offered “free” insurance or are considering premium financing
The ObjectiView System is the only system available for optimizing performance over the life of a policy.

Visit Getting Started if you are interested in learning more or taking action.